Why dossi?

Use the dossi browser extension to navigate GitHub with a sharper focus - create private notes and labels across all repositories, issues, PRs, and discussions.

Use the dossi browser extension to navigate GitHub with a sharper focus: create private notes and labels across all repositories, issues, PRs, and discussions. Capture thoughts in the moment when exploring an open-source project, triaging an open issue, or collaborating on pull requests. Keep track of meaningful content and notes across projects and issues using pins and a recent activity dashboard.

The browser extension adds a button to the page that opens the sidebar panel. This makes it easy to view past notes or create new ones without leaving the context of the item that your viewing. Every time you revisit the page, your notes will be there.

Capture Your Ideas Privately

While collaboration is a vital aspect of GitHub, not all ideas are ready for public viewing. Sometimes, you stumble upon an insight while debugging an issue, and you want to capture it privately before it's ready for public discussions. dossi allows you to save your thoughts and ideas privately, making GitHub your personal brainstorming canvas.

Open-Source Project Maintenance

As a developer, maintainer, or contributor, you are faced with the challenge of navigating multiple repositories, managing a lot of issues, and keeping track of ongoing discussions and PRs. dossi can help you simplify and remember your workflow.

Streamline Open Source Issue Triage

The process of triaging issues is time-consuming, requiring meticulous tracking of notes and debug steps over weeks, sometimes months. The chances of losing this critical information amidst the hustle is high. dossi serves as your personal assistant during this complex process, keeping track of your debugging progress and helping you to stay organized.

Classify Pages with Labels

Labeling offers a powerful way to categorize and track your work. But what if you're not the owner or part of an organization's repo? With dossi, you have the ability to label data in any project. Classify your notes, define your own system, and make your GitHub navigation more efficient, irrespective of the project's ownership.

Avoid Tab Overload

We've all been there - a sea of tabs open, each leading to a different project, issue, or PR. Remembering all the projects and discussions you've visited can quickly become a challenge. dossi can help with pins. Mark interesting pages, access them later, and enjoy a clean, organized workspace.